Department of Kazakh Linguistics


The department has been functioning since 1992 as a separate collective as a department of the Kazakh language.

Department of Kazakh language according to the status of the University since 1999 is called the department of Kazakh linguistics.

Chair on the following specialties prepares specialists:


1.     5В011700 – «Kazakh language and literature»

2.     5В020500 – «Philology: Kazakh language»


Master`s degree:

1.     6М011700 – «Kazakh language and literature»

2.     6М020500 – «Philology: Kazakh language»


Doctoral degree:

1.     6D011700 – «Kazakh language and literature»

2.     6D020500 – «Philology»


The chair was: Candidate of  Philology, Associate Professor Sh.K.Mertesheva (1988-1995), Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor M.Қozhanov (1992-1995), Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor G.B.Erzhanova (1995-1997), Doctor of Philology, Professor S.Negimov (1997-1999), Doctor of Philology, Professor S.O.Alіszhan (2008-2010), Doctor of Philology, Professor Zh.A. Zhakypov (2010-2011), Doctor of  Philology, Professor B. Abdualiuly (2011-2012), Candidate of  Philology, Associate Professor K.K.Sarekenova (2012-2016), Candidate of  PhilologyAssociate Professor A.B.Beisenbay (2016-2019)

From 1999 to November 2008 the post of the head of the department was occupied by the well-known scientist, academician of NAS of RK, doctor of philological sciences, professor M.S.Sergaliyev.

At the initiative of Academician M.S.Sergaliyev for the first time in the history of ENU worked the dissertation council on the protection of candidate dissertations in Kazakh and Russian languages ​​from 2000 to 2008. Master's and postgraduate courses were opened.

Since 2019 to the present time the department is headed by Candidate of  Philology, Associate Professor K.Malikov. K.Malikov is the holder of a medal "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Author of more than 30 research works.                                         

At the present time there are 8 Doctors of Science at the Department of Kazakh Linguistics (Т.М.Abdіkarіmova, Т.Abdіgaliyeva, Zh.A. Zhakypov, G. Sagidolda, B. Abdualiuly, G.О.Syzdykova, Sh.K.Kurmanbaeva, G.A.Sarseke), 9 Candidates of Sciences (A.Beisenbay, M.Kh.Shayakhmetova, A.M. Mukhtarova, G.B.Mamayeva, L.Y. Espekova, S.Sarekenova, M.K.Akhmetova, Zh.Z.Omirbekova , S.S.Shokabayeva) and 1 PhD doctor K.Kenzhalin.

Leading professors and associate professors of the department support scientific and methodical communication with universities, schools in the regions, lecture on theoretical courses, supervise graduate students and researchers, advise school teachers.

The main direction of the research work of the department are the problems of "Formation and development, research and culture of the use of the Kazakh literary language." At present, the faculty of the department conducts research on the actual problems of the grammar of the Kazakh language, the history of the language, language culture, cognitive language theory, and the teaching of the Kazakh language.

The academic plan prepared by the department ensures the effectiveness of teaching disciplines, the equal distribution of disciplines for a semester according to the students' academic work, the effective use of the human and material and technical potential of the university.

Under the education program, the provision of the overs is 100 percent. The basic and profiling disciplines are taught only by teachers with academic degrees. Also, the material and technical base of the university in the learning process is used effectively, basic and profiling disciplines are held in specially equipped personal classrooms. The audience is provided with educational, scientific and informational literature.

Since 2016, in order to realize the strategic and operational tasks of the university, the project of  KPI  ENU (ENU 14-16 on the Regulations of KPI "Teaching staff, heads of departments and deans) has been introduced to determine the contribution of each employee. This system is based on an objective, clear definition of indicators.

According to the results of the "KPI" in 2016-2017 academic years, 5 teachers of the Kazakh linguistics department were awarded (A. Beisenbai, Zh. Zhakypov, G. Syzdykova, S. Sarekenova, K. Kenzhalin).