Head of the Department



Head of the Department


scientific degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences

academic status: associate professor of HAC

e-mail: sagimbayeva_zhe@enu.kz

work: +7 (7172) 709500 (#32-204)


Sagimbayeva Jannat Elemesovna is a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan (APSK), holder of the Erasmus Mundus project "TARGETII"  scholarship (Austria), holder of the Erasmus+ scholarship "Staff mobility for teaching and training" (Poland, Spain), an expert of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Uchebnik" under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for examination of textbooks, an expert of the Republican National Testing Center for examination of entrance examination tests for master's and doctoral programs and a member of the Appeals Committee for admission to the master's and doctoral programs; a member of the Association of English Teachers in Astana, a regular lecturer in the professional development courses for pedagogical workers in the system of Technical and Vocational training in JSC "Republican Scientific and Methodological Center for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Qualification".  

Jannat Elemesovna graduated from the English Language Department of the Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (APIA), majoring in English and French in 1982. Her work experience started in secondary specialized school 38 in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk with in-depth study of the English language. In 1985, she continued her teaching experience in the East Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute (Ust-Kamenogorsk). In 1995-1999, Jannat Sagimbayeva worked as a teacher, senior lecturer, assistant professor at the Kazakh Agro-Technological University, a branch of the Novosibirsk Humanitarian Institute, the State Financial Institute (GFI) in Semipalatinsk.



Since 2001, Jannat Elemesovna served as the Head of the Department of English Language and Literature at the Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University (SSU), since 2006  as a Head of the Department of Languages at the University of International Business (UIB) in Almaty,  since 2012 as a Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian National University.

The main direction of her scientific research is related to the successful defense of the thesis on the title: "Methodical preparation of students in the conditions of informatization of theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages" for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.02 - "Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages." He has the academic title of Associate Professor of Higher Attestation Commission.

Regarding the research interests, Jannat Sagimbayeva mostly focuses on the theory and methodology of professional education; modern methods of teaching a foreign language; polylingual education; self-educational activity in vocational education.



She is an author of over 50 works, an electronic textbook "Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages" (in "PowerPoint" and "HTML" programs, with the volume storage of 4.12 MB) in co-authorship with Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kunanbayeva S.S.), CER "Foreign Language: English" for all 1st year students of non-linguistic specialties, a textbook for students of non-linguistic specialties "From Reading to Speaking", a standard curriculum on specialty 5B052100 "State Audit" in discipline: "Professionally Oriented Foreign Language" etc.



For contribution to the development of education and science, Sagimbayeva J.E. at various times was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science Sagadiyev E.K. (2016, 2017), letters of appreciation of the rector of ENU L.N. Gumilyev Sydykov E.B., rector of the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, a mayor of Medeu district of Almaty etc. 



The considerable international internships result in not only in the publications, in the effectiveness of many school projects (the school-gymnasium No.83 in Astana city) under her supervision, but in the systematic invitation to the Warsaw University of Social and Human Sciences as a guest lecturer of the lecture course " Introduction to Intercultural Communication".



She is a Diploma holder for winning in the contest "20 best works for the ENU 20th anniversary". Zhannat Yelemesovna also received the certificate of honor from the Vice Minister of Education and Science in 2019 and 2020.


In 2022, Zh.E. Sagimbayeva was awarded the Lev Gumilyov medal for her special contribution to the development of education and science of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.