Meeting of the "Small Academy of Linguistic Sciences of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature"

Within the framework of the Decade of Science, on April 15, 2022, a meeting of the "Small Academy of Linguistic Sciences of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature" was held at Lyceum No. 59 with the participation of Deputy director K.K. Bekisheva and the head of the branch of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at this lyceum, Assoc. Shakhin A.A.

"Labor is a self–portrait of every person" – with these words of K. Satpayev, the meeting of the Academy began. The informative presentation illustrated the scientific paradigm of the activities of the Small Academy of Linguistic Sciences.

Aigul Akinzhanovna Shakhin in her speech raised questions about the ways of introducing students to scientific activity. The participants actively discussed the scientific principles of modern linguistics, the interrelation of sciences, the choice of relevant topics for projects, the work plan of the branch of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of L.N. Gumilev ENU on the basis of Lyceum School No. 59.

The work was effective. It was decided on May 5 to hold a joint meeting with teachers of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics to discuss the topics of scientific projects and author's programs.

At the end of the meeting, the teacher of Russian language and literature D.K. Usembayeva donated literature from her personal library to the library: Books from her personal library: dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific journalism and methodological publications.