Foreign scientific internship of undergraduates 2 years of study

Russian Russian Language and Literature" (Usenova Sh., Urikbaeva D., Nauryzbayeva M.) and "7M02301 – Linguistics" (Tynyshbek S.), "7M02306 – Philology: Russian Philology" (Zhorzheva A., Nursali A.) have been undergoing a foreign scientific internship in the distance since April 14. The format is based on the Surgut State Pedagogical University.

The internship began with the virtual acquaintance of undergraduates with SurGPU, faculty, departments, library, scientific publications of the university, etc. Dean of the Faculty of Philology of SurGPU Ganushchak N.V. presented the departments, which are assigned to undergraduates, library funds of the university, leading scientists of the faculty. The schedule of online meetings for the entire period of the scientific internship has been determined.

Consultations for undergraduates are conducted by leading scientists of SurGPU: Head of the Department of Philological Education and Journalism, PhD, Associate Professor Breusova E.I., PhD, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Literary and Linguistic Studies, Professor Sirotkina T.A., Head of the Laboratory of Literary and Linguistic Studies, PhD, Professor Larkovich D.V. Undergraduates work according to individual internship plans.

We wish the undergraduates a successful foreign internship!