webinar on the topic "Multimedia technologies in teaching foreign languages"

According to the work plan of the school of pedagogical skills of young teachers of the Philological Faculty, on May 19, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Ph.D. Abdykhalykova A.M. held a webinar on the topic “Multimedia technologies in teaching foreign languages”. The professor talked about the specifics of working on platforms such as mentimeter, kahoot, padlet, google classroom, etc. to improve the effectiveness of training.

During the webinar, Professor A.M. Abdykhalykova shared methods to make lessons interesting and effective in teaching in Kazakh and Russian. The student work grading system, testing, and task-setting platforms were also demonstrated. Several tools were provided to test the knowledge of students and undergraduates. The professor presented the tools that he uses in practice. The participants also immediately used these instruments during the master class and got acquainted with the work of the instruments.