Within the Erasmus Plus project

The teachers of the Department of Foreign Philology, Faculty of Philology of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Professor, candidate of philological sciences Kenzhetaeva G.K. and Associate Professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bazarbekova Zh.N. from November 7 to November 21, 2022, completed an internship at the Ruhr University (Germany, Bochum) as part of the Erasmus project Plus. The scientific supervisor was Professor Karin Pittner, Head of the Department of Linguistics of the German Language.

The university is one of the best universities in Germany. The university has more than 30,000 students, 12 academic buildings and a rich library fund.

The purpose of the internship trip:

·        academic (attending classes, studying OP, familiarization with advanced learning technologies);

·        scientific (work in the library, acquaintance with new scientific and practical, methodological works, collection of materials used in the learning process)

·        establishing cooperation with university teachers.

In accordance with the objectives of the business trip, during the two-week internship, the educational directions of the Department of German Studies, ways of organizing the educational process, etc. were studied. Since the process of studying at the university during this period was carried out in a mixed form (online / offline), it became possible to attend seminars of Professor of the Department of German Studies Karin Pitner.

The department has fully created conditions for full-fledged acquisition of knowledge by students, teachers use modern digital technologies and traditional teaching methods in the process of organizing the educational process with students. Teaching methods and techniques are based on the principle "students are the main personality, not the teacher".

The university library consists of a Central Library, where remote access to libraries of other partner universities is provided, and libraries on each floor of the building, where such departments as German Studies, English Studies, American Studies are located.

The library is equipped with a computer, copying equipment, and unlimited access to the entire library collection. The library presents foreign literature, textbooks, teaching aids in linguistic, pedagogical fields, fiction. Using this library fund, a list of literature used in the learning process, a list of scientific literature, scanned copies, and versions of some available books in PDF format were compiled. Working in the library, a list of scientific and practical works necessary for students at the level of doctoral, master's and bachelor's degrees was obtained. As a result of the work in the library, the materials necessary for writing articles for the Scopus magazine were collected and are currently being developed.

During the internship, excursions were made to the museums of the city of Bochum, the botanical garden of the University, the "old town", exhibits were studied that introduce the cultural heritage of the local population, introduce its culture and traditions.