November 9-10, 2018, the Department of Practical Kazakh Language of the Faculty of Philology of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University held an international scientific-practical conference «INTEGRATION PROCESSES AND ENHANCEMENT OF THE LANGUAGE STATUS IN TERMS OF THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM» organized in the framework of the program «Rukhani Zhangyru» and the 20th anniversary of Astana.

The conference was opened with welcoming speech of the academic vice rector of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Moldazhanova Assemgul Aleksandrkyzy. She thanked the organizers of the event and foreign guests for their participation and suggested further strengthening of scientific cooperation between universities.

Dean of the Faculty of Philology, professor Sholpan Kuzarkyzy Zharkynbekova noted that such conferences open the way for new scientific ideas and wished creative success  to the colleagues. The welcome word passed to the plenary session.

At the plenary meeting, scientists from near and far countries made interesting reports on relevant scientific topics. In particular, Atanasova-Dimitrova S. (University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria), Bizhkenova A.E. (ENU after L.N. Gumilev, Astana) «Этносоциокультурный аспект речевого общения: опыт преподавания предмета «Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация», Mustafa A. (Pamukkale University, Turkey) «Türkiye'de latin alfabesine geçiş süreci ve toplumsal kimliğin inşasinda dilin önemi»,, Kitaoka D. (University of Ottawa, Canada) «Romanization and japanese language», Berdibay Sh. (Kokshetau State University after Sh. Ualikhanov, RK) «Латын әліпбиі – тілді реформалауға бастама», Құrman N.ZH. (Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University after MV Lomonosov, Astana) «Қазақ тілін  екінші ана тілі ретінде оқытудың   лингвоәдістемелік  және әлеуметтік лингвистикалық негіздері».

After the exchange of views of the audience and speakers, the work of the plenary session came to a conclusion. The head of the department of practical Kazakh language, professor Kulmanov K.S. announced a break before sections start.

The conference worked in the following areas:

1. Problems of modern fields in language teaching and latin alphabet issues;

2. Іssues of teaching languages as a second language;

3. Іnnovative technologies in the educational process;

4. Formation of multi-lingual professionally oriented language individual.

During the work of the sections, interesting discussions were held about the values of «Ruhani Zhangyru» and «Mangilik Yel», spelling and issues of transition to the new Latin alphabet, and ended with exchanges of experiences on innovative technologies of language teaching.