Religion and Culture

As part of the planned educational work, on May 17, 2019, a seminar-lecture was held with A. Yu. Antipin, a representative of the Center for the Study of Religions (CRS), with 2-year students of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages. This activity was ​organized by Ekibayeva N.A. and Erik Gulnur. Ph.D. Akynov D. B. was present at the seminar.

During the interactive lecture, the main differences between the confessions existing in Kazakhstan were explained. The features of extremist and mystic-occult organizations banned in Kazakhstan were also considered. With the 2nd year students of the TPFL department, the Speaker managed to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and confidence, talking about the latest influences and charismatic trends in religion. All students were involved in a discussion about the problems of religion and culture. The students really enjoyed the lecture.