An event on spiritual consciousness took place

On 15.04.2022, the faculty staff of the Department of Practical Kazakh language, candidates of philological sciences G. Alimbek, K. Tlesh, M. Zhumadilova held an educational hour «Rýhanı jańǵyrý – oı-sananyń kemeldenýi». The educational hour is conducted by the associate professor, candidate of philological sciences K.Tlesh.

During the educational hour, the students were shown a documentary film «Рухани жаңғыру: екі жылдық асу». It was also told about the work done in the country under the program "Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру", cultural projects. It was explained to the students that all the work under this program is aimed at the meaningful development of modern Kazakh culture.

During this period, students freely expressed their thoughts, opinions about completed projects under the program, and were active. The educational hour was attended by students of the IR-12, ElEn-12, SIS-12 groups and teachers of the Department of Practical Kazakh language.