You are invited to the events!

In October 2018 the Department of Practical Kazakh language is organizing the events «Qaıyrymdylyq – adam janynyń nury»,  «О́mirdiń ózi — uly ustaz» in the framework of the International Day of Elderly People and Teachers' Day. On October 2, the department together with the students will visit the local nursing home «Sharapat». On October 5, together with the scientific library, the staff will meet with veteran teachers on statutory rest and retirement, S. Jumataı, A. Musabekova, Q. Mákenov.


Date: 10/02/2018

Beginning: at 16.00

Venue: Astana, 

              nursing home «Sharapat»

              village Koktal-1

Teacher organizers:

SH. Salyqjanova, G. Álimbekand 1-year students of Faculties

  of International Relations, Information TechnologiesLaw

Date: 10/05/2018

Beginning: at 15.10

Venue: Scientific Library

                 fiction section

                 room 301

Teacher organizers: G.T. О́telbaı, Q.A. Ahmetova, L.B. Baıbolat, A. T. Áshenova, A.R. Naımanbaı, R.R. Tuıaqbaeva, S.T. Toıbekova, T.S. Ǵabdrahman

The library staff: N. Baıadılova, A. Baıǵabylova