Pedagogical skills

On the 31st of October c.p.s. A.E. Niyazova held an open lesson on discipline “Modern Methodology of Foreign Education” with master students of the 1st course. The theme of the open lesson “Teaching profession. Pedagogical skills.” Pedagogical skills are essential part of teaching, by using these skills you can share your knowledge in a better way with your students and student will also feel comfortable. Students of this group are English teachers in schools and Educational centers. Such as, School-gymnasium No.17, Republic School of Physics and Mathematics, Bilim Innovation Lyceum, School-lyceum No.73, Secondary school No.24 and Educational Centers “Dostyk”, “Apple Tree”. Teaching experience of these students are 1-13 years. Some of them have pedagogical categories as “Pedagog-Master”, “Pedagog-Researcher” and most of them have diplomas and certificates of courses. Master students prepared presentations according to the theme and presented them, there were group-discussion about pedagogical experience.