Online meeting with 1st year students of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages"

On September 2, 2020, an online meeting was held with the 1st year students of the educational program "6В01719 - Foreign language: two foreign languages" of the admission in 2020. The purpose of the online meeting with 1st year students was to acquaint students with the curators and the eudizer, as well as the educational process in general. The online meeting was attended by 106 1st year students. The interview was conducted in English under the guidance of the head of the department of theory and practice of foreign languages ​​Beisembayeva Zh.A. The head of the department introduced the students to the curators: Doszhan G.A., Baibatyrova A.A., Darmenova A.E., Ibragimova K.E., Kozhakanova M.T.

Within the framework of the educational program "6В01719 - Foreign language: two foreign languages" students are taught two foreign languages. The first foreign language for all students is English, the second language is French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese. This year Turkish and Korean languages ​​were presented for the first time.