Scientific Seminar «Organizing Teaching Experience in FLT Research»

On January 16, 2021 Head of the Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Department ​​ Zhanna A. Beisembayeva and PhD Lyazzat Zh. Beisenbayeva held a scientific seminar on the theme “Organizing Teaching Experience in FLT Research” for young teachers, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Faculty of Philology, engaged in research in the field of foreign language education and linguistic didactics.

 The scientific seminar was held to familiarize young and novice scientists in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages ​​with the main research methods and stages of organizing a pedagogical experiment.

The following methods of pedagogical research were presented to the attention of the participants of the scientific seminar: reading and analysis of scientific and educational-methodical literature (working with electronic catalogs, forming a card index, keeping records, forming links to useful sources); observation method (passive and active observation during a pedagogical experiment); questionnaire survey (the content of the questionnaire, the formation of possible answers, the requirements for creating questionnaire questions and attracting respondents); pedagogical / methodological experiment (planning, construction and implementation of a pedagogical experiment, variable and non-variable conditions for organizing and conducting a pedagogical experiment, its main stages, participants, etc.

The information provided by scientists on the formation of a hypothesis for scientific research in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages ​​was important for the participants of the scientific seminar. Of particular interest was the question of organizing and conducting a pedagogical experiment in the control and experimental groups within the framework of pedagogical practice. Testing (pre-experimental, while-experimental, post-experimental, suspended (delayed) tests) was presented as an obligatory element in the implementation of a pedagogical experiment.

The participants of the scientific seminar asked the speakers questions and received full answers to them. At the request of 1st year undergraduates of the EP “7M01719 – Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”, a similar scientific seminar will be held again in May 2021.