International seminar within the framework of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

It has already been the third year of cooperation between the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz. Thus, on November 30, 2021, the Department of TPFL has successfully hosted an international seminar on "Innovative Methods in Teaching English" in online format upon initiative of the Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of TPFL Baigunissova Gulbarshyn Idrissovna. More than 30 lecturers and master’s students from Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz (Uzbekistan) and our university joined the seminar.

A welcoming speech was made by the organizer of the seminar, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Baigunissova G.I., who expressed her appreciation for the interest in the seminar, wished a fruitful meeting to the participants and expressed her hope that the seminar would be useful for both sides.

The speakers of the seminar, 1st year master’s students of L.N. Gumilyov ENU majoring in “Teaching Foreign Languages”, M. Mart, R. Nassymkhanova, A. Tleughabylova, S. Rashatova, shared information and practical knowledge about interactive platforms (Stepik, Slido, WordWold, LifeWorkSheets and other), which can be used for preparation of the English language lessons online and in offline formats, as well as for organization of extracurricular work. In their presentations the master’s students clearly demonstrated the capabilities of these platforms along with practical examples of their use for different types of educational tasks, presentation and practice of a new material, control and assessment of learners’ knowledge, learners’ independent work, and other components of foreign languages classes in schools and institutions of higher education.

The Head of Department of TPFL Beissenbayeva Lyazzat Zhumabekovna has also addressed the participants of the seminar and expressed her gratitude for organization of the seminar and commented on the effectiveness of using the “Flipped Classroom Method” in teaching master’s students. With the help of this method the master’s students acquire practical skills of planning and conducting foreign languages lessons at the stage of learning at the university. 

Representing Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Tazhiyeva Aliya Utebayevna noted the high level of the organization of the seminar, the informativeness and meaningfulness of the reports, and wished for further development of cooperation between the universities with the purpose of exchange of experience in the field of using innovative methods and technologies in teaching foreign languages at institutions of higher education and schools.