The IV International Scientific Conference for Students

Information letter


Dear students!


On February 24, 2023, the Department of Kazakh Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology of the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is organizing the IV International Scientific- theoretical Conference for Students as a part of "Sergaliev's Lessons - 2023" on the topic "The theory of Language and Literature, Stylistics, literary text" in honour to the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Myrzatai Sergaliev.

The main directions of the conference are:

1. Theory of language: history and heritage

2. Literary theory: history and heritage

3. National pedagogy and teaching methods

The purpose of the Conference is the basis of important ideas outlined in the research works of the scientist M.S. Sergaliev.

The form of the conference: On-line and Off-line

Conference languages: Kazakh, Turkish

Conference materials will be published in electronic format (PDF) in the conference proceedings with an ISBN assignment. To take part in the conference you must fill in the application form according to the requirements for the authors of articles in Appendix 1.

The application for participation in the conference must be sent to the organizing committee by e-mail until February 8, 2023, and the text of the scientific article until February 17, 2023, in accordance with Appendix 2: 

          The full program of the conference will be sent to the participants by February 23. In case of inconsistency of the received materials with the subject of the conference and the requirements for registration or the expiration of the deadline for acceptance, the organizing committee has the right not to allow articles for publication.

Contact phones of the Organizing Committee: 8 (7172) 70-95-00 internal 32208, 8 701 571 98 82


          The text of the article should be written in MS WORD, font size - 14, format A 4, main font Times New Roman; size - 14, line spacing - 1; editing text in width; paragraph - 1.0 cm; all borders - 2 cm. Pages are not numbered.

          On the top line in the centre - the topic of the report is written in bold capital letters, do not transfer to the next line; then on the next line in the centre - the surname and initials of the author (the presence of more than three authors in one report is not allowed), on the next line - the organization, city, e-mail of the author; further through the line - the text of the article.

          Literature references are indicated in square brackets. A list of used literature is required. Words are not transferred. Annotation of the article should be written in Kazakh, Russian and English.

          The volume of figures should not exceed 1/4 of the volume of the article. Images, illustrations, and photographs are sent as separate files with the extension TIFF (*.TIF) or JPG (not in Word). The text should contain links to each image, the numbering of the images should be transitional, and the information in the titles of the figures should be complete.

          Article publication is free





Asan Balzhan

L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Faculty of Philology,

4th year student majoring in "Kazakh language and literature",

Astana, Kazakhstan

Supervisor - Shynar Kapantaevna


Abstract (no more than 6-7 lines, font size - 12) in Kazakh, Russian and English.


Text. Text. Text [1].... Text  Text. Text. Text [2].... Text [3]...




1. Orazbayeva F. Fundamentals of language communication: Textbook. - Almaty: Print-S, 2005. - art. 147

2. Nurzhanova Zh. Types of methods of teaching the Kazakh language//Kazakh language and literature 2002. No. 9 3-12 b


Application 2

Application form

For participating in the IV International scientific and theoretical conference of students "Theory of language and literature, stylistics, literary text" within the framework of "The Lessons of Sergaliev-2023", dedicated to the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Myrzatai Sergaliev


 Full Name






University name, specialty, course



Area code phone, mobile phone




The topic of the report (article)


Form of participation

Speaker/Listener/ article (underline as appropriate)

Report at the plenary session

 Yes/no (underline as appropriate)


Drawing up a report in the sectional part

(specify section number or write "no")


Date of completion



Abbreviations in the "application" are not allowed!