Methodological seminar on “Introduction to Language for Purposes and Special Terminology”

December 8, 2018 candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Anafinova, M.L., senior lecturer Zhamanayeva G.N. held a methodical seminar  on the topic “Introduction to Language for Professional Purposes and Special Terminology” for teachers of the English language at the school - gymnasium No. 74 in Astana.

This seminar was held in the framework of the Agreement on joint activities of the ENU. L.N. Gumilyov with educational institutions of Astana.

Earlier, on the basis of this school, a gymnasium, the Department of Foreign Philology held an Olympiad in foreign languages in order to attract graduates to enter the specialties of the Department: Foreign Philology (English), a foreign language: two foreign languages (French, German).

Fundamental changes in the language situation in Kazakhstan, in particular English in secondary schools, led to a change in school curricula. All this caused an acute need for learning the language for special purposes - biology, mathematics, chemistry. There is an increasing need for the training of pupils and teachers, first of all for teaching, for special terminology. There is a need for additional pedagogical education, competent scientific support for secondary school teachers.

The purpose of the methodical seminar is to familiarize with new trends in the terminology of the English, Kazakh, Russian languages, problems of translation of terms in various areas of the language: biology, chemistry, physics, etc. it was about the need to develop methods of work of an English teacher with subject teachers.