Undergraduates from Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov at L.N. Gumilyov ENU

In the period from November 23 to December 4, 2020 at the Department of Foreign Philology of the Faculty of Philology, 5 undergraduates: Kumarev Yaroslav, Aryn Danel, Karatayeva Botakoz, Nazhmidenova Dinara, Kabilbekova Aliya from PSU named after S. Toraygyrov were on a scientific internship. 

On the very first day, the undergraduates were met by the head of the department A.Ye. Bizhkenova (she also supervised the internship) and adviser G.Z. Beisembayeva the schedule of upcoming events and the individual work plans of the interns were discussed on the online meeting. The undergraduates spoke about the topics of their dissertations and expressed a desire to receive scientific advice and recommendations on bibliographic sources, in particular, on the works of domestic researchers. 

The next day, in accordance with the work plan for undergraduates, an online presentation of the electronic library funds of the national university and a meeting with the employee of the Otyrar scientific library Aituarova Ainagul was organized, who spoke in great detail about the possibilities of accessing the library resources and gave recommendations on the use of materials

Undergraduates registered according to the recommended algorithm on various scientific platforms, among them Web of Science, Wiley Online Library, Oxford Academic, etc. Also passwords for access to library resources were issued to undergraduates PSU named after S. Toraigyrov. The department provided trainees with the opportunity to attend lectures in the master program, which they used with great joy. 

In total, 4 lectures were attended, among them: professors A.Ye. Bizhkenova (Experiment and types of experiment: Descriptive and inferential statistics), G.K. Sarsikeyeva (Comparative-contrastive linguodidactics: Features of the development of educational standards and curricula in foreign linguodidactics ), M.L. Anafinova (Terminology), N.Z. Zhumanbekova (Theory of speech and intercultural communication: Ideology and mentality, their relationship with culture and language).

In addition, undergraduates were invited, along with undergraduates and doctoral students of the Department of Foreign Philology, to a lecture by foreign doctor Dorothea Silvia Maievich from the University of Gdansk in Poland on the topic: Organizing bibliograpry and sourses in research.

Professor A.E.Bizhkenova also invited trainees for individual consultations and gave recommendations on the work of domestic and foreign researchers in the context of the topics of their scientific research and answered the questions that arose.

At the end of the internship, a reporting conference was organized, where undergraduates of the regional university presented personal photo reports and presentations on the results of work at the department. All undergraduates expressed their deep gratitude to the department and expressed a wish about the possibility of further access to the electronic library resources of the university and maintaining contacts with the department of foreign philology of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU.