Round table “Native land – native country”


According to the plan of department, teachers of foreign languages department K.Otyzbaeva, A.A. Dusengalieva, M.Zh. Tussupbekova held a round table “Native land – Native country” with the 1-2 year students of non-linguistics faculties in the reading room of L.N. Gumilyov’s library.  

          The main goal of this round table is to develop a sense of patriotism, love for our native land, to promote the values of spiritual revival, and to expand the knowledge of Kazakh land and people.

          The round table starts with watching a video about the history of Kazakhstan, past life of our ancestors. This video was a basis of round table’s discussion in interactive form. Students had an opportunity to come back to the past and participated in a quiz. The quiz consisted of 8 stages.

          The quiz included questions about life of famous people, Kazakhstan geography, history, traditions and customs. A distinctive feature of this quiz was that each student showed its knowledge, intellectual potential and critical thinking. Students (volunteers) read verses, poems of Abai Kunanbaev and played dombra. Zhanbotakyzy Yerkezhan, who is a member of the literary and musical club "Alka" very emotionally and expressively read the poem by M. Makatayev "Sen Menin elime bar" in the Kazakh language.

The most active students were awarded by valuable gifts (certificates, books).

 In conclusion of the round table, the main expert of the scientific library made her speech. She told about her love to her native land and shared with her experience when she was abroad. Moreover, she remembered the story of Sultan Beibarys that the smell of Kazakh steppe wormwood personified the memory of our native land. She reminded about a popular wisdom “The homeland is like the top of a pyramid for a person…”