Study of Romanticism

Students of groups FL-32 and FL-34 under the guidance of lecturers of the Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages Department N.M. Narmukhametova, D.B. Akynova, Y.A. Verba held a literary hour dedicated to the representatives of romanticism in literature, painting and music.

The students made reports, touching upon the history of the emergence of romanticism, biographies of famous English, Russian and Kazakh romantic writers, romantic musicians. Poems by J.G. Byron, P.B. Shelley, M.Yu. Lermontov, V.A. Zhukovsky, M. Zhumabayev, and others, describing a whole range of feelings, were recited by students of groups FL-32 and FL-34. The evening ended with a wonderful song by M. Zhumabaev's Daididau performed by Khadisha Kundebayeva.

 It should be noted that such events contribute to the disclosure of the creative abilities of students, and are aimed at supporting the most talented and gifted university students, introducing them to literary activities, deepening knowledge and interest in world literature and culture.

The literary hour can be found following the link