Beles - 2021

On October 22, 2021, a solemn event "BELES – 2021" was held in the Central Concert Hall "Qazaqstan" for 1st year students of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

The purpose of the event is to promote the formation and development of first-year students in society.

The event was attended by well-known state and public figures, representatives of the Nur Otan Party, deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the Ministries of Education and Science, Culture and Sports, Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of the Akimat of Nur-Sultan, youth organizations, Kazakh pop stars, art collectives of the Eurasian University.

Indeed, today's age is the backbone of the country of tomorrow, the face of the future. Therefore, their educated, enterprising, competitive growth is the most important factor in the development of the country.

Education of the generation is the main task of parents and teachers. Today, the state creates all conditions for young people who want to receive a comprehensive education. Any young person can master several languages and become a qualified specialist in the future. And the beginning of the path to such success is education, that is, ENU. All this was demonstrated on the big screen in the first part with the help of a documentary and videos specially prepared at the Enulife media center.

L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, one of the most competitive universities in the capital, has been replenished with the best youth of the country this year. This academic year, about 5 thousand undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students were admitted to the university. This means that the majority of young people in the country choose our educational institution. And this is the main reason-the best always choose the best!

Faculties are the driving force behind such large-scale events. The university has 13 faculties, military departments, 28 research departments, an innovation park and research centers, scientific institutes and cultural centers, a Start-Up project zone. At today's event, the history of all faculties and structures was presented, and students of each faculty passed a parade.

It was also noted to the 1st year students that in order to comprehensively develop and enhance the creative abilities of young people, there are many student organizations and art collectives. The Youth Policy Center and the youth wing "Zhas Otan" are the centers of the most active youth of our educational institution. The debate clubs of the diplomatic alliance "Orator", "Zheti jargy", "Parasat" are the winners of republican tournaments, the active youth of the collective, "Student Council" and "Beles" hold various significant events. The student theater "Shanyrak", the vocal group "E-studio", the dance school "Samruk", the orchestra of folk instruments "Dala Sazy", the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Eurasia", the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Saryarka", the jaidarman group "Eurasiat" and the cultural and educational associations "Kausar", "Zhiger" became art centers.

The most important thing is that the university participants are prize-winners of international competitions in countries such as Russia, China, Turkey, Czech Republic, Georgia, Spain, Japan. The winners of the city, republican readings "Zhastar zhalyny", "Delphic Games", "Oralkhan Bokey", "Mukagali Makatayev", "Abai-Shakarim", "Aitys akynov" and poets.

The second part of the festive event was accompanied by a purely concert program. The orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments "Dala Sazy", the dance school "Samruk", the theater "Shanyrak", the soloists of "E-studio", the national team "Zhaydarman", "KVN", the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Eurasia", the group "Hamza" lifted the mood of the audience and included in the ceremony "Beles-2021".