Analytical note - report on the results of a scientific conference “Science and Education 2020” / Actual problems of philology

Analytical note - report on the results of a scientific conference

“Science and Education 2020” / Actual problems of philology

6.5 Actual issues of foreign philology

(English, French, German)

(Nur-Sultan, April 10, 2020)

Date: April 10, 2020

Organizers: Department of Foreign Philology

At the conference, 32 research projects were announced. Among the conference participants are students of all levels, courses, students, undergraduates, as well as young scientists of the department.

The section participants discussed the results and made a joint decision on the best performances.

The best participants were awarded with diplomas of 1, 2 and 3 degrees:

I place, Idіrіs Moldіr Kenesbayқyzy / supervisor candidate of philosophy, Associate professor Kenzhetaeva Gulzira Kabaevna  «ЭМОЦИЯЛАРДЫҢ ТІЛДЕ СИПАТТАЛУ ЕРЕКШЕЛІКТЕРІ», the article considers the issues of human emotions, emotions in human life and in interpersonal. A person’s behavior is based on emotions that form a person’s perception, thinking and worldview. Emotions affect our thoughts and actions in everyday life. words are closely related to our intellectual and emotional life.

II place, Zhalmakambetova Aygerim Eruliyzyzy / scientific supervisor PhD Sabitova Leylya Seytzhaparovna «ҚАЗАҚСТАН МЕН ҰЛЫБРИТАНИЯНЫҢ КОСМОГОНИЯЛЫҚ ЖӘНЕ АНТРОПОГОНИЯЛЫҚ МИФТЕРІ», this article discusses the origins of Kazakh and British mythology. At the same time, we adhere to generally accepted developments in the theory of myth, the ways of its formation and development. Such a methodological message, in our opinion, will reveal the characteristic features and signs of the myth-making process in medieval Kazakh and British society. Comparing these two parallels, we find similarities and differences in the worldview of the two peoples.

III place, Kusainova Alia Aryslanovna / supervisor master of linguistics Smagulova Markhaba Gayzotallaevna «АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ПОСЛОВИЦЫ И ПОГОВОРКИ И ИХ ИСТОРИЧЕСКОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ», the article discusses English proverbs and sayings and their joint development with the people. An analysis of proverbs and sayings based on the history of the English people shows how the people's lifestyle, culture and history affect their content and themes.

The reports were of particular interest, Makijan Dana Erzhankyzy / scientific adviser  Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Aigul Ermekovna Bizhkenova  «ЖАҺАНДАНУ САЛДАРЫНАН ҚАЗАҚ ЖӘНЕ ОРЫС ТІЛДЕРІНЕ ЕНГЕН АҒЫЛШЫН КІРМЕ СӨЗДЕРІ», Ormanova Asel/ Scientific adviser Ph.D., Associate professor Madina Latypovna Anafinova “THEORETICAL OUTCOMES APPROVAL THROUGH SURVEY METHODS”, Asanova Nurzhanat Tulenbekovna / scientific adviser Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Kenzhetaeva Gulzira Kabaevna «Тілдік қарым-қатынас мәдениеті және олардың ерекшеліктері».

When summing up the conference, the importance of this event was noted and a desire was expressed to hold conferences more often.

The results of the conference will be reflected in the collection of scientific articles.