"Teaching English through social networks"

On March 20, webinars, scheduled for February and March by the School of Pedagogical Skills of Young Teachers of the Philological Faculty, were held. At the first webinar, at the invitation of Gulnaz Manarkyzy, a master, doctoral student of Indiana University, USA, Bakyt Ay-Nura, spoke in English with a report “Teaching English through social networks”. Sharing her experience in teaching English, Bakyt Ay-Nura noted the advantages of conducting an English course, effective methods of teaching the language. In the form of a presentation, she shared her opinion and answered questions from teachers of the Eurasian National University.

The next webinar on the topic "Binary classes as an innovative form of education" was organized by the teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Master Murzagulova A.B. and Master Verba E.A. Murzagulova A.B. and E.A. Verba, who are currently practicing a new, relevant form of education, shared the advantages of binary classes.