Material and technical resources

The Material and Technical Base of the Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Chair


The Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Chair ​​has 4 specialized lecture rooms:

the Tatar language room that bears the name of Kayum Nasyri (room 224 of the educational and laboratory building No. 5) with video equipment, web camera and projector device. Here, the faculty of the chair conducts online lectures, videoconferences, skype talks, scientific, methodological, cultural and educational activities.



language laboratories with the Nord Master language program (rooms 312 and 314 of educational and laboratory building No. 5) with 30 personal computers, which allow using a wide range of audio materials in classes on various aspects of the development of foreign languages ​​(teaching listening, speaking, IELTS, TOEFL, etc.).



lecture room 327 with a multimedia board and projector equipment for reading lecture courses on language theory, literature, stylistics, linguistics, etc.


These lecture rooms allow the faculty of the foreign languages theory and practice chair using modern online and multimedia technologies in the educational process.

The students of the educational program “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” (undergraduate, graduate) have the opportunity to access electronic funds of the scientific library “Full-Text Electronic Resources”, located at through the university’s local network.


A unified system of library and information support is provided at university. The provision of disciplines with educational, methodical and scientific literature for a student of teaching specialty “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” is 148 units (see Table 6.1)


Table 6.1. Book Availability Per Student





Number of copies

Total number of students /

including Kazakh-speaking

Book Availability

Number of copies

Total number of students /

including Kazakh-speaking

Book Availability

Number of copies

Total number of students /

including Kazakh-speaking

Book Availability













The availability of educational literature on electronic media and in subscription databases for students with a major in “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages can be reflected in Table 6.2. 



Table 6.2. Availability of Educational Sources on Electronic Media and Subscription Databases





                                                       (CD DVD)

Electronic library system “LAN”

Electronic library system “IPR books”

Oxford Scholars Online

e-Book Collection




1 111

1 482





In the L.N. Gumilyov ENU, there is a free access to the SciVal Funding system (contract No. 1-8206843255 of 01.03.2015, additional Agreement No. 1-10541887330 of 01.03.2016). The SciVal Funding resource provides access to information on allocated foreign grants from more than 5,000 sources of funding and helps identifying the most important researchers and projects as well as allows them to adapt their requests to increase the chances of obtaining an international grant.

To solve housing problems, the university provides students with places to stay in the hostel, where currently 136 students of the Foreign Languages ​​Theory and Practice Chair live.

The “Otyrar” Library of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU is the home to the American Corner of the US Embassy equipped with a collection of American fiction in English and reference literature on the issues of the United States state structure, their history and culture, as well as information resources for all comers. Students of the Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Chair ​​have a chance to get acquainted with the resource base of this small library, ask the questions of interest to the Corner instructor on how they can use audio materials and video recordings of American art and documentary films for self-training and self-improvement in order to improve their English.