Scientific and methodological seminar "Tools for creating educational content for independent work of students"

Within the framework of the Decade of Science, the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics on the MS Teams platform held a regular scientific and methodological seminar "Tools for creating educational content for independent work of students", prepared by associate professors of the department G.K. Ayupova, B.H. Galieva, D.S. Tashimkhanova.

When creating educational and methodological support for the discipline, each teacher thinks about how to design the lesson most effectively and expediently, in what form to present the entire set of methodological material for its best assimilation by students, what tools to use at the same time.

In modern conditions, Internet resources and Internet services are becoming one of the most important didactic tools, many of which are actively used by teachers of the department. Thus, the use of separate online platforms for designing educational materials allowed D.S. Tashimkhanova to create structured educational content that fully reveals the topic of the lesson.

Dybys Sartaevna shared her experience in creating content that includes both text and graphics, photos, audio, video, multimedia. Such construction of educational material makes it possible to effectively organize the independent work of students, to activate their cognitive activity. Dybys Sartaevna also demonstrated Internet tools that allow you to create your own training videos with minimal effort and time.

B.H. Galieva shared with the peculiarities of creating contextual, non-standard tasks, the educational potential of which is quite high. The use of such tasks helps the teacher to get away from reproductive learning and from the template structure of the training session, allows students to develop logical thinking and linguistic intuition. Bakhyt Khasenovna not only demonstrated the mechanisms of creating and solving linguistic problems, gave examples of contextual, non-standard tasks, but also involved the seminar participants in the analysis and solution of cognitive linguistic problems, directing joint work on modeling algorithmic chains.