International online seminar was held together with the Moscow University

On February 22, 2018 an international scientific and methodical online seminar "Progressive experience in teaching and learning languages" was held between the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov and the Moscow State Linguistic University.

This event was opened with the welcoming words of the co-chairs, Doctor of Philology, Dean of the Philological Faculty of the ENU named after LN. Gumilyov Zharkynbekova Sh.K. and director of the department on languages ​​and culture of the CIS countries in MSLU Konev V.N. "In our country, the teaching of the state language is still relevant. We are grateful to our colleagues who promote culture and teach Turkic languages ​​abroad. The themes of today's reports are very important, so let such scientific and methodical activities keep being arranged!" said Professor Sholpan Kuzarovna. 

The seminar heard reports by the Director of the Center for Uzbek Language and Culture, Ph.D. Karayeva B.K. "Language situation in Uzbekistan", director of the Center for Kyrgyz Culture. after Ch. Aitmatov, Ph.D. Khulkhachieva Zh.S. "Features of teaching the Kyrgyz language in MSLU" and senior teacher Shakhatova K.T. "The Kazakh language as the second foreign language in MSLU." Scholars of linguistics from ENU after L.N. Gumilyov Isakulov Sh.K., Alimbek G.R., Gabdrakhman T.S. gave reports "Ozge ult okilderine kazak tilin okytudagy maseleler", "Kazak tilin uiretudin bastauysh dengeyіnde oiyndardy paydalanudyn tiіmdіlіgі", "Orys zhane agylshyn tіldі sheteldіk studentterge kazak tіlіn okytudagy adіster men tasіlder ", also Ospankulova G.B. from the Xi'an University of Foreign Languages ​​made a presentation on "Kazakh tilin okytudagy yntalandyru bagyttaryn ustanu". 

At the end of the seminar, co-chairman, professor, head of the department of practical Kazakh language Kulmanov K.S. expressed gratitude to the participants and wished them further scientific and creative success.