I choose the mood

February 1, 2019 during the scheduled duty at student house No. 5, teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages ​​S. Isaev, B. Alipbai, A. Asanova, D. Akynova held with students an event “I choose the mood”, dedicated to students’ stress releasing.

It is well known that the modern rhythm of life requires every person to fully relax, get rid of emotional stress, and tune in to fruitful activities. Such psychological relief is also necessary for students, since the lifestyle and activities of students in recent years are associated with increased stress. In this regard, the teachers of the TPFL department conducted various games to maintain a positive attitude, concentration of attention, and to reveal the creative initiatives of the students. The students were divided into two teams, which contributed to maintaining the collective spirit.

The event began with a warm-up "Guess the film soundtrack", where students were presented the most famous soundtracks of such films as "Harry Potter", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Star Wars", "Lord of the Rings", etc. Next, the students were given the opportunity to play the game "Taboo".

To unleash the intellectual potential, logical puzzles were given to them. These were welcomed by the students with enthusiasm.

Creative abilities of students were fully revealed in the game, where they needed to write poems on a specific topic and song and sing to a given music.

A peculiar result was achieved from a mini-survey “what should be the ideal teacher through the eyes of students”. The obtained data will be used for further professional development of teachers.