Extra-curricular event “Seven faces of the Great Steppe”

On December 11, 2019, on the eve of Independence Day, an educational event was held at the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty of Philology devoted to the discussion of the article by N. Nazarbayev “The Seven Faces of the Great Steppe”. The event for 4th year students was organized by Ph.D., acting professors G.M. Gaurieva, Ph.D. and Ph.D., acting professors A.M. Abdykhalykova.

The purpose of the event is to foster a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland, pride in the historical past of the peoples of Kazakhstan, the formation of an active civic position, and the development of interest in studying the history of the native country.

Talking about the content of the article, it was emphasized that the history of Kazakhstan has deep roots, and the ancestors of the Kazakhs made a great contribution to the development of world civilization. The culture of nomads is presented in the article not only as part of the past, but also as a solid foundation for the future of Kazakhstan. The children were told about six significant projects, including the study of wonderful musical works, oral folk art, samples of applied art, original creations of monumental architecture created in different periods of the history of the Kazakh people.

The article aroused great interest among students. The participants of the event shared their knowledge and impressions about the history of their ancestors. Everyone came to the unanimous opinion that we should know the past of the Great Steppe and be proud of our history.