President's Message «Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action»

On September 23, 2020, teachers of the Department of Practical Kazakh language FF held a round table in the Microsoft Teams system to discuss important directions of the Message "Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action". The round table was attended by the head of the Department of Practical Kazakh language, teachers, First-year students of the faculty of History, Journalism and Social Sciences.

The round table was opened by the head of the Department of practical Kazakh language, Professor K. S. Kulmanov, who introduced the participants to the program of the round table.

      Associate Professor of the Department of practical Kazakh language, Ph. D.

S.E. Karybayeva introduced the participants to the purpose of the round table, told about the role of the message, which plays an important role in the formation of a new national identity. At the end of the speech, S.E. Karybayeva gave the floor to the participants of the round table.

The participants discussed the key directions announced in the Address of the Head of state "Kazakhstan in new conditions: period of action", published on September 1, 2020. In their speeches, he told a summary of each direction, expressed their opinion.


Summing up the results of the round table, associate Professor of the Department of practical Kazakh language, candidate of philological Sciences Zhumadilova M. N. emphasized that each of these areas is the most important, supports the noble initiatives and ideas of our President and contributes to the implementation of the tasks set in the Address. In addition, M. N. Zhumadilova expressed great gratitude on behalf of the Department of practical Kazakh language to the participants of the round table for a constructive and interesting dialogue.