Online scientific and methodological seminar «Effective Teaching Methodologies in Foreign Languages Classrooms»

February 26, 2021 the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Philological Faculty at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University held online seminar entitled «Effective Teaching Methodologies in Foreign Languages Classrooms».

The seminar was devoted to the problems of effective methods of using online technologies in foreign languages ​​ teaching of higher education, in particular, its theoretical and practical aspects, the development of effective online programs, recommendations for improving the directions of online teaching and foreign languages ​​ learning were considered.   

The following teachers presented their topics of speeches:  

1.     Rol’ komputernykh tekhnologii v pedagogicheskom obrazovanii: ossobennosti metodicheskogo regulirovaniya [Роль компьютерных технологий в педагогическом образовании: особенности  методического регулирования] – Aristanbekova Zh.I.

2.    Shet tilin kashyktan okytudagy IT-tekhnoligiya platformalarynyn roli [Шет тiлiн қашықтан  оқытудағы IT-технология платформаларының ролi] -  Nurdybayeva A.K.

3.    Zhana akparattyk kommunikativtik tekhnologiyany agylshyn tili sabagynda tiimdi paidalany [Жаңа ақпараттық коммуникативтік технологияны ағылшын тілі сабағында тиімді пайдалану] -  Nurgaliyeva U.S.


Seniour lecturer Aristanbekova Zh.I. dwelled on issues of online platforms in teaching in her report entitled “English Rol’ komputernykh tekhnologii v pedagogicheskom obrazovanii: ossobennosti metodicheskogo regulirovaniya [Роль компьютерных технологий в педагогическом образовании: особенности  методического регулирования]”. The main emphasis was on the use of new technologies in teaching English, which is due not only to the desire for novelty, but also the fact that this teaching also allows you to personally realize oriented approach. According to the speaker, a computer allows you to store a significant amount of language material in memory, find information of interest and present it on the screen in a user-friendly form.

Difficulties and possibilities of computerization of education in distance learning were identified. The speaker expressed her own point of view on distance learning during the pandemic, noting that the most up-to-date computer technologies will not replace live interaction and communication. The most popular computer technologies used these days in distance learning were listed, namely MALL (Mobile-Assisted Language Learning), CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and LMS (Learning Management System).

The second speaker, senior lecturer Nurdybayeva A.K. presented the speech entitled “Shet tilin kashyktan okytudagy IT-tekhnoligiya platformalarynyn roli [Шет тiлiн қашықтан  оқытудағы IT-технология платформаларының ролi].

In her presentation Nurdybayeva A.K. informed the members of the department about the effectiveness of the educational process using ICT technologies in foreign language classes, which are gaining great popularity during the period of distance learning. According to A.K. Nurdybayeva, foreign language learning covers a range of information and communication technologies: interactive whiteboards, multimedia presentations, electronic newspapers, Internet resources and various educational programs. It was noted that she uses these technologies on the platforms Moodle, Platonus, ZOOM, MOOC, Microsoft Teams.

Acting associate professors of the department Kurmanayeva D.K. and Tussupova G.K. and senior lecturer Musabayeva G.M., asked questions about what ICTs are used for students with a weak level of language, about the basic principles of distance teaching in foreign language, and about the methodological forms of using ICT technologies. Speaker provided detailed answers to these questions.

The master, senior lecturer of the department Nurgaliyeva U.S. presented the third presentation in Kazakh entitled “Zhana akparattyk kommunikativtik tekhnologiyany agylshyn tili sabagynda tiimdi paidalany [Жаңа ақпараттық коммуникативтік технологияны ағылшын тілі сабағында тиімді пайдалану]”. The main emphasis in this presentation was made on the aspects of practical activities and technologies of various presentations in foreign language teaching.

In her speech Nurgaliyeva U.S. covered in detail the issues of Team-Based Learning (TBL), and the PPP method (Presentation, Practice, Production). The teachers of the department demonstrated interest in the content of this presentation, asked the speaker to share her presentation with colleagues. At the end of this presentation, senior teachers Burkitbayeva A.G. and Mussabayeva G.M. exchanged their practical experience with online technologies and platforms used in their teaching.

Summing up the results of the seminar, the participants expressed a unique positive opinion about the relevance of the issues considered, their novelty and the value of the information received for further practice.