On 29th March in 2018 department of Kazakh Literature organized V International science-practical conference named “Research and novelties in philology science” of doctoral and master students (location: Library named after Abay, №321). The conference was lead online with the participation of East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov and Kaspi State University of Technology and Engineering named after A.SH.Esenov.

            In the conference professor Zh.A.Aimukhambet delivered his speech about the research work of doctoral and master students and their direction and noted about the importance of the V conference in which analysis topics were research and novelties in philology. In its turn, professor of Kaspi State University of Technology and Engineering named after A.SH.Esenov in Aktau B.Nurdauletova added that such science conferences plays crucial role in research relations of the Universities.

In the conference there were 3 sections such as : “Literary criticism: modern literary process and main problems of literary theory”, “Linguistics : linguistic research aspects”, “Folklore and culture studies in the period of Rukhanizhangyru”. In  the conference such articles of doctoral students of Ege University (Turkey, Ismer) M. Adilov “About some archaism words which do not have meaning”; ZH.Karipbayev (doctoral student) “The tradition Nazira in Turkish literature”; M. Sultankhan “ National idea in zhyrau’s folk literature”;Zh.Soltanbekova (Oskemen) “Character of Kazakh antroponomics in meaning”; A.Khazhymurat (Aktau) “Kondybay’s opinion on the word “dog”” ; A.Osken “ AlikhanBokeikhan and astronomy”; G.Temirtas “ Literary critics in the magazine “Sholpan”; Sh.Saduakas “38th saying: elements of Arabic-persian words ”; N.Bashirov “The structure of epistolary genre”; A.Ozat 'Poetics”; A.Daden“Kazakh alphabet based on the Kazakh-latin graphics and national spirituality”

            Participants of the conference Zh.A.Aitmukhambet, professor K.M.Baitanasova, 3rd year doctoral student B.Nurimanov told about the importance of the presented articles and added the novelties of the research works. After the Conference master and doctoral students with best presented articles were awarded.