Intellectual Youth Competition

On April 19, 2019, the Department of Practical Kazakh language held an intellectual competition «Іzdengen jeter muratqa» («Where there is a will, there is a way»), dedicated to the motivation of knowledge and mobility of young people. The event was attended by freshmen students of the Russian-medium groups of the faculties of natural sciences, economics, journalism and political science, social sciences, architecturе and construction of ENU after L.N. Gumilyov.

The presenters, Zubair Shyngys (GzhK-12), Saparbayeva Aziza (BT-12) announced the competition open and introduced the jury, which included candidates of philological sciences, associate professors of the practical Kazakh language department Gulbaira Otelbay, Altynay Ashenova, Ainur Naimanbay, to the player-teams «Tulpar», «Arystan» and the conditions of the competition.

The purpose of the competition is to evaluate the cognitive opinion of students, to reveal their oratorical abilities and to form the skills of expressing ideas in the Kazakh language easily around the questions posed . During the implementation of these tasks, students measured their strength in doing their homework, also in knowledge of the life and activities of individuals, and the speech culture of young people.

On a home assignment, each team had to finish half of the proverb or saying given by another team. In the contest about persons they interpreted aphorisms and edifications of Abay and Al-Farabi. The next competition, aimed at raising the status of the native language, was devoted to the role of young people in respecting the culture, naturalness, purity of the language.

The captains of the teams Baqdaulet Khamit (BT-12), Nurzhaina Yesbolganova (MN-12) were constantly active and supported the teams. B. Khamit noted: «In my native land, everyone spoke only their native language. When I entered the university in the capital there were no limits to my joy. However, seeing peers who often speak Russian, it seemed to me that I was abroad. The language is also a state symbol. For this I want to say: Friends, let's speak Kazakh!». Also, the heartbreaking words of N. Yesbolganova were a food for thought: «The question I am usually concerned about is: Although a quarter of a century has passed since we became an independent state, why is our mother tongue still not used at the proper level, what or who prevents us from doing so? It’s not too late and you shouldn’t be ashamed to communicate in the state language».

Students Ibragimova Akbota (ZhR-12), Amanzholova Ayaulym (GzhK-12), Zhanabaeva Sagynysh (GzhK-12), Raimbek Ulganym (ZHR-12), Ahadzade Sevda (BT-12), Anarbayeva Assel (PX-12) actively participated in the debate of the parties and shared their interesting views.

Senior teachers Karlygash Akhmetova and Lyazzat Baybolat of the department of practical Kazakh language brought out the results of the competition and congratulated the winners, also expressed gratitude to all of its participants.