І International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Translational Activity as the Interaction of Cultures and Languages"

On April 26, 2018, the 1st International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Translation Activity as an Interaction of Cultures and Languages" was held at the Department of General Linguistics and translation theory at the University during the Decade dedicated to the Day of Science. The work of the conference was organized in 3 sections, in which more than 70 participants took part not only from domestic but also foreign universities of Russia, Khakassia, Yakutsk, Tatarstan,  Novocherkask, Hungary and the USA. With a welcoming speech to the participants of the conference, the Vice-Rector for Social and Cultural Development of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kazakhstan Republic Dikhan Kamzabekuly, Dean of the philological faculty, doctor of phylology Zharkynbekova Sh.K., associate professor of Nazarbayev University, doctor PhD Yakub Makhira, Director of the department of youth policy of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the RK, doctor PhD Oralov Askhat Razdykovich, as well as video greetings William Fierman, doctor PhD, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, Mukusheva Raushangul Zakenovna, doctor PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Altaic Studies, Szeged University of Science, Szeged, Hungary, Natalia Nikolaevna Taskarakova, doctor PhD., Associate Professor of N.F. Katanov Khakass State University, Abakan, Russia and students of N.F. Katanov Khakass State University, Abakan, Russia.

Gulshan Aliyeva, the director of the translation company “Gala Translations”, doctor PhD, the professor of the University of Cervantes, Spain Edita Denst-Garcia, and the director of the company AT-services, master student of the specialty "Translation studies" L.N. Gumilyov ENU Alexander Yastrebov.

The students presented their scientific research on the actual problems of modern translation studies. All the participants took an active part in the discussion of scientific works, some works aroused keen interest from students of the specialty "Translation".

 Wishes were expressed to the management of the university's university and the department of general linguistics and translation theory about the introduction of joint research projects with translation agencies within the framework of the state program "Ruhani jangyru", in particular, the translation of Kazakh fiction into the world's languages.