"New Kazakhstan patriotizm is the basis of multiethnic and multiconfessional society"

     On March27, 2019, the teachers of the department of foreign languages ​​Akhmetkarimova KM, Idrissova MA, Kurmanayeva DK, Tussupova G.K. and Ustelimova N.A. conducted the discussion with the first year students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Heat and Energy Faculty on the theme “New Kazakhstan patriotism is the basis ofmultiethnic and multiconfessional society”. The questions of the patriotic education of the young generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland and loyalty to the Fatherland, education of law-abiding citizens of the state were considered during the discussion.

     Students prepared visual materials, posters and actively used them in the discussion. In their reports, madein Kazakh and Russian languages, students paid much attention to the fact that for the further development of Kazakhstan as a multiethnic, multiconfessional state is necessary to solve the following educational issues:

• love for the Fatherland and respect history, traditions, languages, cultures, national honor and dignity of all nations of Kazakhstan;

• love for the native language, the culture of its people;

• respectful attitude to the Kazakh people and understanding of their role in the formation and development of Kazakh statehood;

• legal consciousness and legal culture;

• deep respect for human values;

• religious tolerance, attentive attitude to the national and confessional belonging of a person, to the ethnocultural and religious needs of people;

• irreconcilability to all forms of manifestation of nationalism, chauvinism, racism; hatred of genocide, apartheid, preaching of fascism and other racial, national or religious exclusivity.

     It is pleasant to realize that the young generation understands that in a multinational state, national and civic-patriotic upbringing does not separate and isolate nations, but make them closer. Developed patriotic consciousness presupposes an understanding of all people living in the country as a single family, each of them is unique in its own way, in Kazakhstan patriotism the feeling of a citizen is combined with the feeling of a small homeland, native republic.